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Friday, March 16, 2007

Henry Hyde Endorses Hunter for President

He has been called the Lion of the Pro-Life Movement. Until his retirement from Congress, Henry Hyde was the undoubted leader of congressional efforts to defend America’s preborn citizens from the scourge of abortion.

Even now his shadow and legacy looms large, his name synonymous with efforts to turn back the hounds of death loosed by the Supreme Court in 1973.

This week, the Honorable Henry Hyde announced his decision to throw his considerable weight behind Congressman Duncan Hunter’s bid for the presidency:

There is a national cry for a true conservative candidate. I submit this cry has been answered by Duncan Hunter. He brings a wealth of experience, great foreign and domestic knowledge, and an energetic spirit to this race for the White House.”

That is undoubtedly a heady endorsement, and may indicate the beginning of national move toward a conservative candidate with unquestionable pro-Life credentials. Hunter has a stellar pro-Life record in Congress, and has introduced legislation in every session he’s served to overturn the Supreme Court’s devastating Roe v. Wade decision.
And on the subject of Henry Hyde, allow us to share one of his more penetrating observations:
"Ido not see the sanctity of life ethic being respected. I see us
paying a fearful price, because there are about a million-and-a-half
abortions every year. That's a terrible loss of human life and
something this society should not tolerate. You measure a society's
ascent from barbarism by how it treats the weak and the defenseless and the
unwanted, and we have a lot to answer for in that regard."

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